Apple Adjusts Placement of End Call Button in Latest iOS 17 Developer Beta
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Apple Adjusts Placement of End Call Button in Latest iOS 17 Developer Beta

Screenshot by Jay Peters / The Verge

Apple has made a subtle alteration to the position of the end call button in the most recent iOS 17 developer beta. This time, the button can be found in the lower center of the call screen, as opposed to its previous location on the lower right. While this adjustment might appear minor, it could lead to a more familiar feel for users when Apple officially releases the new software in the coming fall.

The shift of the end call button's placement was first introduced in the initial iOS 17 beta launched in June. However, it garnered more attention recently, especially after several media outlets reported on its right-aligned position. Feedback from users, as indicated in comments on an article discussing the change, indicated that many were not pleased with this new arrangement. This potentially prompted Apple to rethink the placement and return the end call button to the center of the screen.

Apple's motivation for relocating the call screen controls lower on the screen could be linked to accommodating the new Contact Posters feature in iOS 17. These posters are designed to showcase the faces of individuals engaged in the call. The shift in the position of the call controls to a lower location could make them more accessible on larger phone screens, enhancing user experience.

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