Elderly Jewish Man Passes Away Following Altercation at California Rally
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Elderly Jewish Man Passes Away Following Altercation at California Rally

(Paul Kessler, 69, (pictured) was killed after an altercation broke out with an unnamed pro-Palestinian protester in Ventura County, California, on Sunday. (Provided to Fox News Digital))

An elderly Jewish man lost his life after a confrontation with a pro-Palestinian protester at a pro-Israel rally in California, according to an announcement by the Ventura County Sheriff's Department.

Deputies were called to the scene following a verbal dispute between 69-year-old Paul Kessler and an unidentified protester during a demonstration on Westlake and Thousand Oaks Boulevards. Subsequent witness accounts suggested a physical altercation occurred, causing Kessler to fall backward and sustain a head injury.

The Ventura County Sheriff's Department is actively investigating the incident, with the possibility of it being classified as a hate crime still under consideration. Kessler's autopsy, conducted by the Ventura County Medical Examiner's Office, determined that his cause of death was a blunt force head injury, classified as a homicide.

Video footage posted online shows Kessler on the ground, bleeding and holding his head, while a protester displaying a "Free Palestine" sign and wearing a Palestinian flag-embroidered jacket leans over him.

A local individual present at the protest reported meeting Kessler briefly before his death but did not witness the altercation. He shared that upon returning to the scene, he found Kessler lying on the ground with severe head injuries. Several bystanders called 911, including the alleged perpetrator, but they were unable to connect.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles stated that a pro-Palestinian protester threw a megaphone at Kessler.

The unnamed individual described some of the pro-Palestinian protesters as "extremely aggressive," yelling at police and attempting to provoke a reaction. Videos also captured protesters shouting "Allahu Akbar."

The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles condemned violence against the Jewish community, emphasizing their commitment to preventing it. They expressed their condolences to the victim's family and noted that this incident marked the fourth major antisemitic crime in Los Angeles in the current year.

Representative Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York, shared the Jewish Federation's statement, highlighting the deadly consequences of the recent surge in antisemitism. He called for individuals seeking peace to distance themselves from those promoting and committing violence and emphasized the role of responsible political discourse in reducing hate-driven incidents.

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