Florida Dentist Charles Adelson Convicted for Orchestrating Murder of Sister's Ex-Husband, Dan Marke
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Florida Dentist Charles Adelson Convicted for Orchestrating Murder of Sister's Ex-Husband, Dan Marke

Charlie Adelson is cross-examined by Assistant State Attorney Georgia Cappleman during his trial for the murder of Dan Markel on Friday, Nov. 3, 2023.(Alicia Devine/Tallahassee Democrat via AP, Pool)

A Florida dentist, Charles "Charlie" Adelson, has been found guilty by a jury in a case related to the murder of his former brother-in-law, prominent Florida State University law professor Daniel Markel. Adelson was convicted of first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, and solicitation to commit first-degree murder.

The crime, which occurred over nine years ago, involved Adelson hiring two hitmen to carry out the murder of Markel. Investigators from the Tallahassee Police Department revealed that on July 18, 2014, Markel dropped his children off at daycare and then proceeded to Premier Health and Fitness Center, arriving around 9:12 a.m. This location was approximately five miles from his home. According to a probable cause affidavit shared online in 2016, Markel was followed by a Toyota Prius into the fitness facility's parking lot, as well as before and after his time at the gym.

The affidavit suggests that the suspects in the Prius followed Markel throughout the morning and tracked him back to his residence. It was there that he was shot in the head while sitting in his car. A neighbor reported hearing what sounded like a gunshot and observed a small silver or light-colored vehicle, resembling a Prius, backing out of Markel's driveway.

Markel was taken to a nearby hospital but tragically succumbed to his injuries.

Notably, Charles Adelson's sister, Wendi Adelson, was Markel's ex-wife, and they shared two children. Charles Adelson was arrested in April 2022 following an indictment by a grand jury.

The trial of Adelson commenced on October 26. Prosecutors argue that he arranged Markel's murder after his sister, Wendi Adelson, lost a contentious custody battle with Markel.

Adelson, on the other hand, claims that investigators have made a mistake. He admits that he knew shortly after the murder that his ex-girlfriend's friends were the killers but asserts that he remained silent because he believed his life was in danger. Under questioning, he admitted to providing money to the killers after the fact but stated that it was due to threats on his life. The connection between Adelson and the murderers was his ex-girlfriend, Katherine Magbanua, who visited Adelson's home after the murder and confessed that her friend had killed Markel. She demanded that Adelson pay more than $300,000 within 48 hours or face death.

Prosecutor Georgia Cappleman attempted to challenge Adelson's account, highlighting that he was not coerced when he handed over $138,000 in cash to Magbanua and arranged a layaway plan for the remaining sum. Cappleman also mentioned that Adelson spent the night with Magbanua, continued to bestow expensive gifts upon her, added her to his dental payroll, and paid her $3,000 monthly to transfer to the extortionists.

Prosecutors further argue that Magbanua enlisted Sigfredo Garcia, the father of her children, to commit the murder, and that Garcia enlisted his childhood friend, Luis Rivera, for assistance. Magbanua and Garcia were both convicted of first-degree murder, while Rivera is serving a 19-year sentence after pleading guilty to second-degree murder and testifying against Garcia and Magbanua.

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