Microsoft Adjusts Cortana's Advertising Strategy to Enhance User Experience
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Microsoft Adjusts Cortana's Advertising Strategy to Enhance User Experience

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

First launched in 2014, AI assistant Cortana is inspired by a character with the same name from Microsoft's Halo games. (Image: Microsoft)

Microsoft is making changes to its virtual assistant, Cortana, by adjusting its advertising strategy to prioritize a more seamless user experience. The tech giant has decided to scale back the integration of ads within Cortana's interface in response to user feedback and to ensure that the virtual assistant remains a helpful tool rather than a vehicle for advertising.

In the past, Cortana had featured ads as part of its user interface, which drew criticism from some users who found the ads intrusive and disruptive. Microsoft's decision to modify its approach reflects its commitment to providing a positive user experience and addressing user concerns. By reducing the prominence of ads, Microsoft aims to enhance Cortana's functionality and make it a more reliable and user-friendly assistant.

The adjustment in Cortana's advertising strategy demonstrates Microsoft's responsiveness to user feedback and its dedication to refining its products. The move also aligns with the broader industry trend of technology companies seeking to strike a balance between advertising and user experience. By focusing on providing value and utility to users, Microsoft aims to strengthen Cortana's position as a leading virtual assistant in the market.

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