Temporary Restraining Order Blocks Removal of Concertina Wire on Texas Border
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Temporary Restraining Order Blocks Removal of Concertina Wire on Texas Border

A federal judge on Monday ordered the Biden administration to stop cutting razor wire on fences along the southern border in Texas meant to stop illegal migrant crossings.(Benjamin Lowy for Fox News Digital )

A federal judge, Alia Moses, has issued a temporary restraining order preventing the federal government from removing or cutting concertina wire placed near the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas. This order, granted in response to a lawsuit filed by Texas last week, specifies that cutting the wire is permissible if it would prevent "serious bodily injury or death." The lawsuit, directed at key Biden administration agencies responsible for immigration enforcement, alleges that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) practices have damaged the concertina wire strategically positioned by Texas to secure the border and control illegal migration. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been critical of these practices, claiming they have facilitated illegal crossings of the Rio Grande. The legal action raises questions about the state's authority to restrict federal immigration and asylum law enforcement and its impact on relationships between Texas state authorities and CBP.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not comment on the lawsuit but affirmed its intent to comply with the court's order. According to Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens, Border Patrol agents must abide by U.S. law, which grants those on American soil the right to due process, emphasizing the importance of law enforcement adherence to legal principles.

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