Trump Chooses Interview with Tucker Carlson Over GOP Debate Appearance
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Trump Chooses Interview with Tucker Carlson Over GOP Debate Appearance

Former President Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson and Marjorie Taylor Greene. ICON SPORTSWIRE VIA GETTY IMAGES

Former President Donald Trump decided to forgo the initial GOP debate on Wednesday, instead opting for a pre-taped interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, which was released on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) shortly before the debate's commencement. In the interview, Trump offered explanations for his absence from the debate stage, emphasizing his substantial lead in polls as a factor.

Trump stated, "You see the polls have come out, I'm leading by 50 and 60 points… Do I sit there for an hour or two hours and get harassed by people that shouldn't even be running for president? Should I be doing that? And a network that isn't particularly friendly, frankly."

During the debate, candidates were queried about their willingness to support Trump as the GOP nominee if he faces conviction in any of the four ongoing cases against him. Six candidates indicated their support by raising their hands, while former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie refrained from doing so.

Trump's interview with Carlson was seen as a response not only to the debate but also to Fox News, the debate's host, as well as to the other contenders in the GOP field. Despite Trump's previous praise for Fox News, his sentiment toward the network has shifted. The interview was requested by Trump and served as a form of counterprogramming on the same night as the debate.

The interview covered topics such as the 2024 Republican field, where Trump criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and reiterated his criticism of his former vice president, Mike Pence, for not overturning the 2020 election results. Trump also addressed the emotional intensity displayed by his supporters during the events of January 6, 2021, and expressed concerns about the nation's direction.

The interview aired just before Trump's anticipated surrender to a Fulton County, Georgia, jail on charges related to alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in the state. Despite initial uncertainty, Trump confirmed his decision not to participate in the debate, citing his lead in the polls and the potential challenges of sharing the stage with other Republican candidates.

Furthermore, Trump has declined to sign the Republican National Committee's pledge to support the GOP nominee and has indicated he wouldn't support "three or four" of the Republican contenders. Recent polling has shown Trump's lead growing, with a CBS News/YouGov poll revealing that 62% of likely Republican primary voters would choose Trump, while his closest competitor, DeSantis, garnered 16% support. Other candidates polled in the single digits.

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