US DOJ v. SpaceX - alleged hiring discrimination practices
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US DOJ v. SpaceX - alleged hiring discrimination practices

The U.S. Department of Justice has taken legal action against SpaceX, the rocket and satellite company owned by Elon Musk. The lawsuit alleges that SpaceX engaged in discriminatory hiring practices against asylees and refugees, violating the Immigration and Nationality Act. From September 2018 to May 2022, the lawsuit claims that SpaceX discouraged asylees and refugees from applying for positions and denied them employment based on their citizenship status. This alleged behavior was contrary to federal regulations. SpaceX wrongly asserted that only U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, known as "green card holders," could be hired due to export control laws. Even CEO Elon Musk's public statements were cited as evidence of discriminatory practices. In a 2020 tweet, Musk mentioned that a green card was necessary for employment at SpaceX due to the advanced technology of their rockets. Musk has responded, calling the DOJ lawsuit a political maneuver. He explained that SpaceX believed hiring non-U.S. permanent residents would violate international arms trafficking law, thus being a criminal offense. The Department of Justice investigation revealed that SpaceX didn't fairly consider or hire asylees and refugees, actively discouraging their applications. The DOJ is seeking justice by requesting fair consideration and back pay for those affected by these alleged discriminatory actions. In addition to rectifying past wrongs, the lawsuit aims to establish civil penalties based on court determination and implement policy changes to ensure SpaceX's compliance with federal non-discrimination regulations moving forward. This case underscores the importance of upholding equal hiring practices in all sectors of our society.

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