US Military Conducts Airstrikes on Iranian-Backed Facilities in Syria in Response to Attacks
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US Military Conducts Airstrikes on Iranian-Backed Facilities in Syria in Response to Attacks

A pair of F-16 fighter jets conducted airstrikes on two Iranian-operated facilities in Syria Thursday night.(Harald Tittel/picture alliance via Getty Images)

The United States military carried out airstrikes on two facilities in eastern Syria as a response to recent attacks against American military personnel in Iraq and Syria, according to the Department of Defense.

A senior U.S. defense official confirmed that two facilities, a weapons depot and an ammunition storage area near Abu Kamal, were targeted by a pair of F-16s. These facilities were used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its affiliated groups. It remains unclear whether Iranian militants were present during the airstrikes.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, in a statement, emphasized that the U.S. does not desire conflict but considers the "Iranian-backed attacks" on American forces as "unacceptable and must stop." He stated that the U.S. will not allow Iran to deny its involvement in these attacks and will take further measures to protect American personnel if necessary.

Since October 17, there have been 19 attacks against American personnel in Iraq and Syria, including three additional attacks on the day of the airstrikes. A U.S. contractor passed away from a cardiac incident while seeking shelter during the attacks, and 21 American troops sustained injuries, all of whom have since returned to duty.

The U.S. government clarified that these airstrikes were carried out in response to attacks on American personnel and are unrelated to the Israel-Hamas conflict. There was no prior notification to Israel regarding the airstrikes.

President Biden's administration has not yet officially addressed the airstrikes, but Secretary Austin asserted that Biden's top priority is the safety of U.S. personnel. He emphasized that these actions aim to make it clear that the United States will not tolerate such attacks and will defend its personnel and interests.

A senior U.S. defense official reiterated this stance and stated that American forces are prepared to take further action as a deterrent. The U.S. maintains a robust military presence in the Middle East to discourage additional attacks in the region, with multiple carrier strike groups and thousands of troops stationed there.

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